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Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute

SIPI ACCESS is designed to bridge academic and non-academic services to support working families, as well as first generation and low-income students.  SIPI ACCESS is funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and serves as a hub for key resources to help students stay in school, graduate, and obtain financial stability. To learn more about available services, stop by Room 142 located in the Student Success Building.


What does SIPI ACCESS Do? 


*Provide food and/or personal items to students. 

*Offer local resources 

*More information to get more resources on food or emergency aid 

*Offer items such as tide pods, sheets, toothpaste, and other household items. In addition, we have a food pantry stocked with snacks and soon will offer meats, fresh fruits and vegetables.

*Partnerships with Western Sky and MoGro exist to assist students in need of food or clothing.. 


When is ACCESS open?


 SIPI ACCESS is open Monday - Friday, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.





Below are some of the community partners we work with. Watch the videos to find out what types of services they provide.



CHI St.Joseph's Children can sign up first time families with children prenatal to 3-years-old for home visiting and case management services.

  • Home visiting: Provides education and support to encourage normal growth and development of happy, healthy babies in positive, nurturing families.

  • Enhanced Referral Program: This program will put children and families at the center of a community of support services. The program is closely linked to, and integrated with, the St. Joseph First Born Home Visiting Program. Children and families served currently are those enrolled in the Home Visiting Program. This is a “strength-based” referral program that is respectful of individuals and builds on the needs identified by, or with, the individual or family. For more information call:


Eileen Myers

Referral Specialist

CHI St. Joseph's Children

1516 5th Street, NW

Albuquerque, NM 87102

(505) 924-8019




SCORE ABQ offers FREE mentors to anyone interested in starting their own business. The mentors have years of experience and can share their stories of success with you! SCORE ABQ also provides entrepreneurial workshops and webinars to educate new entrepreneurs on business plans, startup strategies, marketing, and more!

Contact: Dar Johnson

Certified Mentor

500 Gold Ave. SW

Tuesdays 9:00 am – noon

505-386-1380 Ext. 701




Adelante Development Center is a non-profit organization that offers support services in employment, life skills training, residential services and volunteer work. Adelante can help you build a resume, improve your interview skills, help you identify your career interests and more through their Ticket to Work Program.


Contact: Amy Lavender

Development Manager




NM Workforce Connection



New Mexico Workforce Connections sets out to promote the workforce and help businesses by offering various services, workshops and resources.


Contact: Joy Forehand

Operations Manager





HelpNM offers 25 programs statewide including job readiness, child and adult care food program, and other helpful resources to help you and your family.


Contact: TBA

Employment Community Specialist

5101 Copper Ave NE

Albuquerque, NM 87108







Nusenda Credit Union provides SIPI students with banking services such as opening checking and savings accounts, educational workshops on saving and budgeting, and more.

Contact your local Nusenda Credit Union for these services.


Emergency Aid Funds

  • Provides emergency funding to students who experience unexpected occurrences, i.e. medical bills, car repairs, etc.

For more information call 505-346-2360 or 505 346-7715