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Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute

Adult & Development Education

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The Adult Basic Education (ABE) and Developmental Education Program seeks to ensure that students have every opportunity to be successful in achieving their individual goals. Students will gain the basic education and life skills required for completing their High School Equivalency Certificate (passing the HiSET or HSE tests), ABE and/or Developmental Education Programs, which will prepare students to enter or retain employment and/or continue to a degree or certificate program. 
The ABE and Developmental Education programs have competencies and learning objectives that are aligned with the institutional missions as well as the State of New Mexico's Adult Education program. Assurance that its ABE and Developmental Education curricula assists adults in becoming literate; obtaining knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; obtaining knowledge and skills necessary for entering and being successful in post-secondary training or education; obtaining the educational skills necessary to become full partners in their children's education; and completing their secondary school education are congruent with SIPI's mission and is ensured through curriculum formatting, adopted and monitored by the College's Curriculum Committee.
Request your high school equivalency diploma at