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Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute

Natural Resources Management

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The Natural Resource Management Program prepares students to work in a variety of technical-level fields in natural resources. To ensure student success in an academic and workplace setting, a solid general education foundation is offered in the area of communications, laboratory science, mathematics, and social/behavioral science. In addition, the natural resources curriculum provides individuals with technical training in plant and tree identification, geospatial applications, natural resource measurements & techniques, plant & soil science, and general ecology.
Students learn through a variety of approaches, including classroom instruction, internships, and laboratory & field experiences. Natural Resource (NATR) students have opportunities to gain hands-on experience in a variety of learning environments which incorporates the campus greenhouses, classroom & laboratory facilities, arboretum, orchard, and agricultural fields. In addition to the Rio Grande Bosque, the surrounding geological formations, mountain ranges, grasslands, and riparian areas provide natural resources students with practical outdoor field training opportunities.