The SIPI Wellness Programs are part of the Residential Life Department. We proudly bring exciting event programming to suit a wide range of interests. We pride ourselves in providing a safe environment for you to express yourself, have fun, and make community. We strongly encourage you to join our wellness movement, join a team, attend an event, or go on a trip! We can't wait to see & meet you. GO EAGLES!

The following sport leagues are available to help students, staff, and faculty in keeping fit, socializing, and most importantly increasing their wellness in their everyday life while on campus:
Fun Runs
Flag Football

SIPI does not participate in competitive sports through the NJCCA. However, opportunities to participate in the Bernalillo County Basketball League in the fall is available for students who are interested. Participants can utilize this extra curricular experience to prepare for the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) Basketball Tournament usually held in the spring. Participation in the AIHEC tournament is dependable on funding, members, and location of the event.